Δελφική Ακαδημία Ευρωπαϊκών Σπουδών 2022

Γενικό θέμα των σεμιναρίων του 2022 ήταν οι πολιτιστικές πολιτικές στην Ευρώπη, οι ιδεολογίες, οι εθνικές «παραδόσεις» και οι διεθνικές/διαπολιτισμικές σχέσεις. Δίδαξαν οι James Faubion (Rice University) και Susan Rubin Suleiman (Harvard).

Δελφική Ακαδημία 2022

Δελφική Ακαδημία 2022

Σχόλια απο συμμετέχοντες στο πρόγραμμα του 2022

The two weeks at the Delphi summer school was one of the most intense and productive teaching experiences I have had.  The small student and faculty community that was created meant conversations could continue outside the classroom, making the entire two weeks a memorable teaching and learning experience.  The engaged and motivated student body brought a lot of energy to classroom debates, as did the relaxed ‘Delphi atmosphere’ of the European Cultural Centre. This enabled a variety of perspectives and arguments to emerge and enriched students’ learning.  It was perhaps the nearest I will ever get to the ancient Greek symposium -dialogic style of teaching and it will long stay with me.  While it was work, it was also a pleasure. I was only in Delphi for 2 weeks but came away enthused and energised and will long remember it… and am keen to return!

John Barry

Professor, Queen’s University, Belfast

The two weeks at the Delphi summer school was one of the most intense and productive teaching experiences I have had.  The small student and faculty community that was created meant conversations could continue outside the classroom, making the entire two weeks a memorable teaching and learning experience.  The engaged and motivated student body brought a lot of energy to classroom debates, as did the relaxed ‘Delphi atmosphere’ of the European Cultural Centre. This enabled a variety of perspectives and arguments to emerge and enriched students’ learning.  It was perhaps the nearest I will ever get to the ancient Greek symposium -dialogic style of teaching and it will long stay with me.  While it was work, it was also a pleasure. I was only in Delphi for 2 weeks but came away enthused and energised and will long remember it… and am keen to return!

John Barry

Professor, Queen’s University, Belfast

The experience at Delphi Academy has been unique, to begin with the location, the history, the natural beauty and the architecture of the setting to the accommodation, the dining, and the general hospitality.  Unlike any other site of its kind, Delphi welcomes a residential seminar where life and learning become one and the same. Professors talk to students outside of class, over meals, which enables informal discussions of ideas presented in class to extend into a relaxed ambiance where new and exciting reflections are essayed over delightful fare.  The informal exchange between both different faculty members and students much drew everyone together while furthering the scope of individual seminars and projects. To have a general theme also helped making intellectual inquiry more intense and, above all collegial. Intersections and animated discussions became a norm.  Given their different geographical and disciplinary backgrounds, the students brought to the table perspectives that further contributed to the success of this wonderful program.

Verena Conley

Professor, Harvard University