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Serigraphies inspired by ancient Greek culture and the Delphic Idea. Created exclusively for the European Cultural Centre of Delphi, and in a limited number of copies, by Alekos Fassianos, Yiannis Psychopedis, Sotiris Sorongas, and Michalis Makroulakis

Yiannis Psychopedis Charioteer

Dimensions: 0,78 Χ 0,63 m.
Copies: 200
Price: € 600,00

Γιάννης Ψυχοπαίδης Ηνίοχος

Alekos Fassianos Untitled

Dimensions: 0,59 Χ 0,89 m.
Copies: 99
Price: € 1.600,00

Αλέκος Φασιανός Χωρίς τίτλο

Sotiris Sorongas Ancient relief

Dimensions: 0,57 Χ 0,92 m.
Copies: 199 and an A/P
Price: € 600,00

Σωτήρης Σόρογκας  Αρχαίο ανάγλυφο

Michalis Makroulakis Iris

Dimensions: 0,57 Χ 0,40 m.
Copies: 199
Price: € 250,00

Μιχάλης Μακρουλάκης  Ίριδες

 For orders and/or more information, please contact our Central Offices at Τ: +30 210 3312781-5 or Ε: [email protected]