The ECCD Fine Arts Programme 2009 focused on the presentation of the artist and sculptor Bella Raftopoulou who lived and worked in Paris.
The exhibits are part of the Bella Raftopoulou collection of the National Gallery of Greece- Al. Soutsos Museum and include 11 monumental sculptures, 20 smaller and 97 drawings on the Delphic Festivals.
Curator -Exhibition organisation: Efi Andreadi, art critic.
A special panel with the theme GREEK ARTISTS IN PARIS BEFORE WORLD WAR II was organised at the opening of the exhibition (Saturday, 10 October).
Rector Helene Ahrweiler
Efi Andreadis, art historian
Emmanuel Mavromatis, Professor – art historian
Olga Metzefou, Curator of the National Gallery
Duration of the exhibition: 10 October -10 November 2009