Exhibition “C. P. Cavafy This little pencil portrait”





Fine Arts & Exhibitions

Twenty-two Greek and foreign artists created and presented new works for the celebration of the Year of Cavafy by the European Cultural Centre of Delphi.

Among them : Valerio Adami, Alexandra Athanassiadi, Pat Andrea, Alexis Veroukas, Dimitris Geros, Stefanos Daskalakis, Pavlos Dionysopoulos, Kadio Lambropoulou, Gudrun von Laitner, Michalis Makroulakis, Dimitris Mytaras, Ioli Xifara, Aristidis Patsoglou, Edward Sakayan, Sotiris Sorongas, Anna Maria Tsakali, Costas Tsoclis, Alekos Fassianos, Manolis Haros, Yorgos Hadoulis, Apostolos Hatzaras, Yannis Psychopedis. The exhibition included also eight etchings of Cavafy by David Hockney and a printed collection of poems with handwritten corrections by Cavafy himself.