“This little pencil portrait…” Exhibition





Fine Arts & Exhibitions

That little girl looks like him.
with his sketch pencil…

With a verse from Cavafy’s poem “To ship” as the title, twenty-two Greek and foreign artists presented their new work in the Exhibition Hall of the Delphi Conference Centre from 5 to 31-July 2013.
Valerio Adami, Alexandra Athanasiadis, Pat Andreas, Alexis Veroukas, Dimitris Geros, Stefanos Daskalakis, Pavlos Dionysopoulos, Kadio Lambropoulou,   Gudrun von Lightner, Michalis Makroulakis, Dimitris Mytaras, Ioli Xifaras, Aristides Patsoglou, Edward Sakayan, Sotiris Sorogas, Anna Maria Tsakali, Kostas Tsoklis, Alekos Fasianos, Manolis Haros, George Hadoulis, Apostolos Hadzaras, Yannis Psychopaidis took part in the exhibition “Little with the Imaging Pencil”.
Eight engravings by David Hockney on Cavafy as well as archival material and a book of Cavafy’s poems, with handwritten corrections by the poet himself, were also exhibited.