The 3rd Meeting of Young Artists was based on the general theme Xenos-Metic and was held on 6-11 July 2009 as an independent event of the XIV International Meeting on Ancient Drama. It was attended by fifty young artists and actors as well as students and graduates of Dramatic Schools and students of Theatre University Departments.
Workshops programme
Music and movement in ancient drama. Taught by Tomasz Rodowicz, actor – musician-director, artistic director of the group Chorea and members of the group. With the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Greece.
Mythical exiles based on texts of ancient tragic poets and works of Heiner Müller. Taught by Josef Szeiler, director (Austria).
The conflict of opposites as a common element in the structure of the tragedies of Euripides – from ‘Ion’ to ‘Medea’. Taught by Lydia Koniordou, director – actor (Greece).
Seminars – Tributes- Performances
Tribute to Heiner Müller by Eleni Varopoulou, theatre theoretician and theatre critic and Hans-Thies Lehmann, Professor of Theatre Studies at the Goethe University of Frankfurt.
Tribute to Jerzy Grotowski with lectures by Ludwik Flaszen and Leszek Kolankiewicz and screening of movies. In collaboration with the Grotowski Institute, under the auspices and with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Polandin Greece.
A performance, lecture and discussion with the audience: Achilles in modern wars, a dramatic composition with reference to Homer’s Iliad and the work Achilles in Vietnam by Jonathan Shay. Dramaturgy by Frank Raddatz. With the support of the Goethe Institute in Athens.
Screening of the movie Iphigenia at A …. Film screening based on the project Iphigenia (2nd Meeting of Young Artists, Delphi 2008). Workshops and theatre performance by the Centre for theatre practices ‘Gardzienice’ under the direction of Wl. Staniewski.
Lectures / Roundtable Discussion The reception of Ancient Drama in the Contemporary Theatre and Performing Arts: Xenos-Metic. Scientific supervision and coordination of the thematic and Round Table discussion: Dimitris Tsatsoulis, Assoc. Professor of Semiotics of Theatre, University of Patras
The 3rd Meeting of Young Artists was held with the support of the Costopoulos Foundation Media sponsors: ERT SA Ως3 Magazine