“PROMETHEUS IN MEMORIAM”, Musical performance in the Delphic landscape, Friday, June 30, at 20:00

With the screening of two historical performances of Euripides’ TROJAN WOMEN , directed  by Theodoros Terzopoulos (Delphi 2018) and Tadashi Suzuki (1982), the theatrical workshops’ training programme ended today at 17:00.

At 17:30 the Round Table discussions on NATURE & ΜΑΝ ΙΝ TRAGEDY  start at the ECCD Conference Centre and will continue tomorrow, 1 July.

Today (30/06) at 20:00, in the natural landscape of Delphi, off the PHRYNIHOS Theatre, on a hill covered with straw and thyme, in the sunset light, the musical performance “PROMETHEUS In Memoriam” with the actress Sophia Hill, in an original electro-acoustic composition by Panagiotis Velianitis, is presented. Entrance is free (limited number of seats).

In the gardens of the Conference Centre, next to the terrace of the restaurant of the Guesthouse, at 22:00 the video installation of Filippos Tsitsopoulos “Macbeth and ecology: The Forest Goes to Delphi” will be projected.