“Orphne” is the darkness of the night, the inner darkness, where Orpheus returns eternally as a traveler in space and time with his voice as his vehicle.
“Orphne” is a nocturnal journey, a prayer to Nature and Man, through the sounds of instruments, songs of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the tradition of the Mediterranean, fragments of Orphic hymns, sonnets by Rilke and poems by Isabella di Morra.
Design-Artistic concept- song: Dimitris Tiliakos
Ex Silentio ensemble:
Dimitris Kountouras, medieval flutes
Elektra Miliadou, viola da gamba – vielle
Thimios Attzakas, oud
Nikos Varelas, percussion
Flora Papadopoulou, renaissance / medieval harp
Maria Nika
Emilia Yiannoukari
Margarita Stravoudaki
FREE ADMISSION (limited places)
Photo from the rehearsals: Yannis Gutmann